



(1)top 10 phone tips(十个电话方面的小窍门)

1.To open the phone,press the phone button or press space key.(打开电话界面,请按电话键或空格键)

2.To end a call,hold the escape button.(挂断电话,请常按推出键 )

3.To dial a phone number from the Home screen,type the number .To  prevent dialing from the Home screem,in the phone options,click General Options.Set the dial from Home screen field to No(从主屏幕拨号,直接键入键入数字。取消从主屏幕拨号功能:在电话界面下,选择设置-一般设置-从主界面拨号-不)

4.To call a selected contact or phone number,press the Enter key.(呼叫选定的联系人或电话,按回车键)

5.To assign a contact or phone number to a speed dial key,in the phone,select a contact or phone number hold any unassigned letter key.(给分配一个联系人或电话号码快速拨号键,请在电话界面下,选顶联系人或电话号码,常按任何未分配的字母键)

6.To call a speed dial number ,hold the assigned letter key.(常按快速拨号分配的字母,呼叫快速拨号)

7.To call your voice mail access number,hold 1(常按1,呼叫语音信箱)

8.To type letters in phone numbers,hold the Alt key and type letter.(按住Alt键和字母键,可以在电话界面下输入字母)

9.To change the volume during a call,roll the trackwheel.(通话中波动滚轮,可以改变通话时的音量大小)

10.To mute a call,press the phone button.To turn mute off,press the phone button again.if you are using a headset,press the headset button to mute a phone call .To turn mute off ,press the headset button again.(按通话键可以在通话中静音,在按一次就可以恢复。如果是使用耳机,按一下耳机按钮是接通,再按一次就恢复通话。)




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